IntelliJ pom.xml crossed out → Can’t build project/module
This is just a quick “hack” which kept me quite busy for some time and it was super frustrating as I thought that my code might has issues or that my IntelliJ installation is just broken.
Ignored Files:
Please let me know why you would want to have ignored pom files in IntelliJ project structure, I can actually not think of any case where I would like to have them. But what happened.
As I’m working with around 20 modules in a single IntelliJ project which have dependencies with each other IntelliJ is just awesome to linka module to another module and debug it in the main application.
But to do this it needs a module within the same IntelliJ project so that it can link it together.
Everything worked fine up until some point where just some of my pom files looked like this
They got crossed out.
I can’t build the project anymore, I can’t to a “Maven rebuild”. Nothing.